( A recent article in India Today, April 26, 2010 published " The Haj subsidy to Air India, touching Rs. 941 corore for 2009-10, has always stood for a darker shade of minority polities.)
But in the same time when we go to “Gangasagar” a Hindu pilgrimage in West Bengal we have to pay extra taxes i.e. as Tirtha Kor or Jijiya tax. In that time the traveling cost get enhanced. Giving an example for crossing the river which is usually near about Rs. 7, the Pilgrims have to pay Rs. 40 and Rs. 5 extra as Religious tax. Why not we are subsidize like Muslims and get free from religious taxes. Yes; agreed there are expenditure to set up Gangasagar mela and all, but Govt. also earns money out of it.
This year I went in the Gangasagar and was the eye witness of this religious bifurcation. It seemed to me that we are in the age of Aurungzeb, when he kept earning his revenue from Hindues by putting Ziziya tax.
When we called India is Secular country than why there are facilities or subsidy for a particular community. The nasty vote bank polities are everywhere.
How to raise our voice and stop to misuse Hindu’s sentiment?

Bharat Mata ki Jai
The Government of our country is become the mughals and and their projas are still demanding that the government doing very little for them. Now we definitely need these special facility to be banned as soon as possible. Because this is failed to be the method of taking muslim and others minority communities in the main flow. If it worked then now, after more than 60 years of independence, we do not need to implement Ranganathan commission suggestion.
Yes, and hence after 60 years of independent they imply 10% reservation for Muslims. They did not do any improvement for Muslims and lastly play the reservation card.
when Ambedkar proposed for the reservation policy it was strictly mention that this theory would hold for upcoming 30 years i.e until 1980 however the project time period has passed at about 30 years ago but still the policy is not scrapped...it is need less to utter that India in spite of being one of the most powerful country in terms of population and having higher factor of educational genius has never achieved the zenith due to this very fact of "vote bank policed partialization" ..at one side we claim to be supporting the very terms like secularism,communism are humanism but one the very day we are not ashamed of rapping them......
this incident gives rise to many questions that are still unanswered intentionally to just keep the free flowing political corrupcy. a few many such biasness may be pointed out on this regard:---
1.every indian has to obey constitution and their disputes of livelihood comes under the jurisdiction of IPC(indian penal court)
but the maulims have their personal law board the are free to issue fatwa to any one violation "SARIYAT"(the one eyed men-centric hapless law issued by immams or earlier khalifas)
2.for any kinds of communal assembly people belonginging to any community can not use public place: however the muslims can
3.for any such incident one has to as permission of local police prior 30days in case of muslims that is 3 days
these are a few of numerous such facts that makes my blood boil...
I now can truly understand why India slowly and silently is becoming "A BRAIN DRAIN"
- This is what a friend of mine(NITISH)has reply when I take this fact to his notice.
Every Indians keep the same kind of view for reservation polities. Even educated Muslims, they surely realize that they are given extra homage as because of Indian Muslims. (do not considering others who are mostly shown their Taliban attitude) This is not true in Indonesian or south-eastern Muslims countries. I have respect for Muslims, but can not justify the separate laws for them when we are all Indians. These creates Hindu-Muslims division.
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