Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One Day in RSS Camp

To see the photos of the camp please click here

Last 30th May was the last day of the 1st year camp organized by the South Bengal branch of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). This was the 1st time when I visited any RSS camp. The 1st year camp is for 20 days, and this time it was in a school near “Uluberia”, Howrah, 20 mins from the railway station. RSS organize others camps for 3 days and for 7 days also in the different location. There are 2nd year camp and 3rd also which usually held in Nagpur, Maharashtra.

This was the occasion of the conclusion ceremony, so seniors swamsevaks also came to attain the ceremony. This time there was around 185 students came from different parts of south Bengal. The participants were mostly students, apart from that there were swamsevak who came to attain and participate for doing services like teaching and others activities. The camp was more or less same like others such as Scout, NCC etc. But the main difference is here people come to know about the culture, and heritage of his own soil. It is told that the Hinduism is not a religion; it is a way of life. Here people were introduced to his culture, heritage in an organized manner, where, there will be blossom of love, respect for his Mother Nation and also the determination to save her from the evil situation or now Pakistani intruders or MNCs. In history we read that the Bharat was always attack by the intruders like Mongols, Hun, Pathan, Mughols and lastly by British. But we seldom taught about the golden era of Indian history when Alekzender return back after saw the regiment of Chandragupta. Pathan, Mughols always took the ornaments and precious items from our tramples and destroy them. Like Mamood, who targeted Somnath Temple for 17th time and every time he looted the wealth in the temple. There are lots of story which tells about the richness of India during that time. Do we find any Pathan or Mughols now? Because they mixed up with this culture which is called Hindustan.
But if now some one takes shelter in our country Hindustan and destroy our heritage day by day in the name of religion by the support of political backing; then should we stop or we should revolt.?

The routine of the camp is very strict and organized. The students have to get up early in the morning at 4 o’clock. Then there will be physical exercise, breakfast, study, then lunch, rest, again some classes, dinner and left for sleep at around 10 p.m. The participants were all in same dress code. White shirt, Khaki half pant, black cap, shows, brown leather belt and every one holds one long stick. They were given training for protect others and them self from enemies. Swamsevak gave a demo of stick freighting on the closing ceremony. Apart from the students , others who were guest and senior swamsevak also were in the same dress code.

Although as a guest I had to pay a little amount of contribution (sulka) for attaining the camp, even every one who were guest or senior swamsevak had to pay their own. The students also paid some amount to receive the training in the camp. The concept is totally different from the NCC and others camp. The reason was told that as we are in the service to the nation so it cannot be free, atleat the student have the respect toward the camp and hence it will be fruitful. The organizer do not take any donations from others, if that then the camp might be more sophisticated like any religious sabha of Ramdev baba, Sri Sri Ravi Sankar, Asharam Bapu, but it will loose the flavor of austerity for the better nation.

The meal in the camp was simple and every one seat together on the floor for having meal. There was no discrimination of senior or junior but respect. After having food students wash their utensils. Here for 20 days every participant has to do their own job.
The closing ceremony held in the ground. It was started by Saffron Flag hosting, after that we all show our tribute to our mother nation by saluting the Saffron Flag. Then there was parade, stick fighting etc. There was raining that day, but the participant and swamsevak did not left the field and continued with their activities. At the end one nice motivational lecture by one professor. This is how the program come to an end.

I was there for the full day with those sawamsevak but I did not listen any where in the schedule program they provoke Hindus to be anti Muslims, which people and media spread against RSS. But they teach us about our heritage and culture to become more united Hindustani and spread peace, love and brotherhood.

To see the photos of the camp please click here

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