Nabadwip is 120 K.m. away from Kolkata and can be reachable either form Sealdha or form Howrah. From Sealdah there are Krishnanagar local, or lalgola passenger of Bhagirathi express are daily available. By local it takes 2.30 hrs and in Bhagirathi it takes around 2 hrs. only. There are locals available every one hour from Sealdah. I took Bhagirathi Express at 6.25 from Sealdha and reached Krishnanagar City around 8.30 p.m. Seat availability in that train is very difficult, because of daily passengers.
From Krishnanagar there are buses available for Nabadwip ghat. Fair is around Rs. 10. Autos are also available, but after 8.30 p.m. it is difficult to get those. Other way to reach Sadar by van rishka or rishka, they take around Rs. 30 or Rs. 6 in share. From sadar there are buses available for Nabadwip ghat. Nabadwip ghat is around 11 k.m. away from Krishnanagar Station.
The another way to reach Nabadwip is from Howrah. Here Katwa Local is available or there are few passengers/ express trains available for Nabadwip also. From Station there are Rishka/ Auto available to reach the destination.
Nabadwip is the birth place of Load Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1533). It is situated in the bank of Ganga (bhagarati), where river Jalangi ( locally Khoyra) meets with Ganga. One side of the Ganga is Swarupnagar (can be reach by bus from Krishnanagar city) and another side is Nabadwip ghat. Boats are available for crossing the Ganga , fair Rs. 1.One banks of Khoyra is Nabadwip ghat and another is ISKCON. Nabadwip was the capital of Ballal Sen and later Lakshman Sen, the famous rulers of the Sena Empire, who ruled from 1159 to 1206.[2] In 1202, Nabadwip was captured by Bakhtiyar Khilji. This victory paved the way for Muslim rule in Bengal
Hotels are available in Krishnanagar, Nabadwip or better in Mayapur.
There are plenty of Mandirs to visit in Nabadwip, specially Sonar (golden) Gouranga. One of the disciple of Mahaprabhu built this idol of Mahaprabhu made by gold. Here devotee can also see the shoes worn by Mahaprabhu. Beside the shrine of Sonar Gouranga there is one place in between Samaj Bari, where there is still a Kool tree planted by Shri Chaitanya. The Sri Sri Samaj Bari is famous tample and ashram for’ Baishnab’ on the same lane. There are other things in Nabadwip which are birth place of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhy, Narashingha tample, Lake etc. It will be good if someone take the holy dip in to the Ganga, because the other side of the Ganga here said Khoyra not the Ganga.
The another part of Nabadwip is Mayapur. Mayapur is an Island grown in between river Khoyra and the Ganga. It can be reached by crossing the rivers. After reaching Mayapur there are riskaws or van riskaws are available to go ISKCON temple, charges Rs. 10-20.. ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) was founded by His holy Sri Bhakti Vedanta Prabhupada. This is a bhaktibada Baishnab organization, H.O located in Mayapur. There is devotee all over the world to visit Mayapur. There are two main shrine one is devited for Sri Bhakti Vedanta Prabhupada and another is main temple where Load Krishna with Radha and others are worshiped. The area is very large and can be viewed only by the permission of the authority. One new big tample of Radha-Krishna is in under process. The evening Arati in the temple is very charming. People from variety of origin are dancing in a same name in the form of Kritan i.e. “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare”.
After attaining Arati it will be better to move for Kolkata. The last connecting train from Krishnanagar to Kolkata is available at 8.40 p.m.
To see the pictures of Nabadwip please click here
Hi Amit, U seem like a RSS Activist. I am a RSSActivist from kolkata. Need help from u regarding travelling to mayapur. m planning to visit there 2morrow. basically i m travelling alone myself and the ISKCON authorities do not provide accomodation for those who visit alone. can u help wid sum info regarding accomodation there in mayapur outside temple prmises??? plz do email back at
Vivek Acharya.
Hi Vivek,
Your article is vary short and nice. I am also a music lover I also go through your site minutely , Great Stuff. I have already gone to Navadwip and Mayapur in a single day from kolkata, and make a blog also, details in Please share your views.
Ruma Dey Baidya
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